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Auto Insurance With a Teen Driver | Germain Insurance Agency

  • By Germain Insurance Agency
  • 03 Jan, 2024

Having a teenage driver in the family can be expensive. From purchasing a car to insuring it and fueling it, costs can quickly add up. However, there are ways you can save money on auto insurance when you have a teenage driver in the house. One way to save money is to shop for the right insurance policy.

Different insurance companies offer varying premiums for teenage driver coverage. Shopping for insurance coverage can save you money on coverage for your teenage driver. There are other ways to save money on your teen's auto insurance as well. Discover five simple steps you can take to save money when buying auto insurance for your teenage driver.

Ensure They Maintain Good Grades

If your teenage driver is in school, now's the time to start monitoring their academic standings. Many parents and guardians don't know that insurance companies can offer discounts on auto insurance to teenage drivers who maintain good grades.

That means you can save money on your teenage driver's auto insurance when they get good grades in school. This applies to high school and college grades. So, if your teenage driver heads off to college, make sure they maintain their GPA so you can continue saving money on their insurance.

Enroll Them in a Defensive Driving Class

If your teenage driver took a driver's education class in school, you might think that's all the training they need. That's not the case though. They should also take a defensive driving class. This type of program teaches your teen how to be a safer driver, which can help keep them safe when they're driving.

But, the class can also save you money on your teenager's auto insurance. It can also teach your teenage driver how to maintain their driving safety during Minnesota and Wisconsin winters.

Monitor Their Driving Habits

If you want to save money on your teenager's auto insurance, learn their driving habits. One way to do that is to sign them up for an onboard tracking program with your auto insurance.

This type of program uses onboard computers to track the way your teen drives. The insurance company then uses this information to create a customized insurance rate for your teenager. Not only does this help you save money on your teenager's auto insurance, but it also helps you provide tips on how your teen can improve their driving skills.

Choose the Right Car

If you have a teenage driver, you want to save as much money as you can on their auto insurance. One of the best ways to do that is to choose the right car for them. You might not know it, but choosing the wrong car for your teenager can increase rates on their auto insurance.

When buying a car for your teenager, consider a used car first. Used cars are often less expensive to insure. You also want to check the safety rating of the car you choose. Good safety ratings can also lower the cost of insuring your teenage driver.

Track the Mileage

If you want to save money on your teenager's auto insurance, pay attention to how often they drive the car. Putting too many miles on the car can increase the rates on your teen's auto insurance.

One way to avoid that is to limit the miles your teen puts on their car. Not only does this save you money on auto insurance, but it also reduces the risk of your teen getting into a car accident.

Don't pay too much to insure your teenage driver. Use the tips provided here to keep your insurance premiums at an affordable rate. Give us a call to discuss other ways to save money on your teenage driver's auto insurance.

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